Facebook Cash Tactics & Strategies Blueprint > Free Social Marketing Ebook

Social Marketing ebook “Facebook Cash Tactics & Strategies Blueprint” looks into: The basics of network marketing on Facebook. Techniques for preparing effective profile content. Strategies for adding the right friends with similar interests. How to use photos and videos to attract interest. Tactics for setting up exclusive landing pages. Methods of increasing interaction through fan pages and events. The practice of rewarding loyal supporters. How to use the Facebook marketplace to target new customers. Insight on how to use beneficial Facebook plugins and more. Click “Facebook Cash Tactics & Strategies Blueprint” to download (1.2 MB pdf) this free Social Marketing ebook.

Free Facebook Marketing Ebook

Simple SEO For Newbies > Free SEO Ebook

SEO info ebook “Simple SEO For Newbies” covers main topics: SEO methodology and strategy that works. Managing and monitoring your search rank. Finding the right keywords and using them correctly. Proper usage and placement of links. Creating a search engine friendly sitemap. Obtaining and using strategic URLs. Writing proper image tags to increase search rank. Maintaining fresh content to stay on the radar. Avoiding SEO mistakes that will penalize your search rank and much more. Click “Simple SEO For Newbies” to download (1.1 MB pdf) this free SEO ebook.

SEO for Newbies

Alliance Advantage > Free Internet Marketing Report

Internet Marketing report “Alliance Advantage” covers main topics: Introduction, Co-Marketing vs. Co-Branding, Co-Marketing Campaign Essentials, Finding the Perfect Co-Marketing Partner, Crafting a Winner Co-Marketing Strategy, Final Tips and Resources. Click “Alliance Advantage” to download (562 KB pdf) this free Internet Marketing report.

Alliance Advantage Report

21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets > Free Online Marketing Report

AI Marketing report “21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets” covers: “you’re going to find 21 different lead magnet ideas that AI can have a hand in to help you build your list faster and easier than ever before. It can assist you as much or as little as you need to create endless lead magnets that can also be used as bonuses for products you promote, as unexpected free gifts for existing subscribers, and more.” Click “21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets” to download (594 KB pdf) this free AI marketing report.

Free AI Marketing Report

Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior > Free Online Business Report

Online Business report “Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior” includes main topics: Stealing Other People’s Products and Selling It as Your Own. Mistreating Someone You Partnered Up with. Promoting People as an Affiliate Who You Know Are Doing Unethical Things. Lying About the Product on Your Sales Page. Coming Back from Scandal in a New Disguise. Claiming Ignorance to Unethical Behavior as a Reason for Your Blunder. Using Tools and Strategies That Mislead the Consumer. Be Better and Protect Your Business and Reputation. Click “Don’t Ruin Your Business with Unethical Behavior” to download (293 KB pdf) this free Internet Marketing report.

Free Online Business Ebook

Leadership Development Instant Mobile Video Site > Free MRR Software

Free MRR (Master Resell Rights) video site builder software “Leadership Development Instant Mobile Video Site” creates video site that you can add ads with your Amazon & AdSense ID. Free MRR package comes with mini-site page. View Demo Mini-site for details. Click “Leadership Development Instant Mobile Video Site” to download (771 KB zip) this free MRR software.

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Creating Engaging Content That Appeals to Readers > Blogging

There are different things you have to consider when it comes to creating the content in your online business. The first thing is that you have a lot of content that you have to create.

That includes content for your blogs, email autoresponders, lead magnets, info products, social media posts and more. You don’t want to become so overwhelmed with the volume of content that you create that you begin to churn out boring, ineffective work.

Every word and sentence that you write should engage your audience and appeal to them on an emotional level that is somehow tied into their own pain points and personal or professional goals.

Blog content is something that is more amenable to a personalization that goes above and beyond what you would normally put in an info product or elsewhere. In fact, Google and other search engines want to see your opinions, insight, and storytelling woven into the facts and figures that you include in each post.

This can help you with your search engine optimization (SEO) and it definitely helps to engage readers. Not only will they comment on and share your blog post with others, but they are more likely to respond to any call to action that you include within your posts.

In order to write blog posts that appeal to your audience, you have to figure out who you’re writing for. Your content has to resonate with their interests and you can do this based on their demographic information and behaviors.

Blogs should be written in a conversational tone, as if you are writing to a friend rather than creating an academic paper. If you have a personal story that you can include to paint a picture for your audience and have more of an impact on them, you want to use that.

But the entirety of the piece should never be just about you or your experiences. The reader is there to see what kind of value you can offer them, whether it’s some sort of motivation or education about a topic they need to know more about.

Being genuine and authentic within your content will go a long way in building a bond between you as a blogger and your reader. Make sure you provide them with the best additional resources and supplemental media that you feel enhances your message, and once your creation is complete, polish it up so that the reader enjoys their experience.

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6 Ways to Make Money from Your Blog > Blogging

Blogging won’t be nearly as fun for you if you’re not monetizing it. Sure, you’ll get to share insight about something you’re passionate about, but the purpose of your blog is to ultimately help you turn a profit!

Unfortunately, many online entrepreneurs don’t know how to monetize their blog. They create content, get it ranked well and then wonder why they’re not bringing in any money.

Blog monetization is something you have to plan for and implement. There are six different ways you can earn money from your blog content. The most profitable method for you might be the promotion of your own info products.

Depending on how many you have and what your price point is, being able to showcase your expertise and convert visitors into buyers of an info product as well as the funnel that is attached to it can be very lucrative.

Another thing you may want to sell from your blog are services. If you are a virtual assistant, ghostwriter, graphic designer, niche coach or SEO expert, you might be able to sell your services and allow your content to pay off for you nicely.

Affiliate marketing is another method that you can use to monetize your blog. Most online entrepreneurs use this strategy in their online business, on their blog as well as in their autoresponder system and on social media profiles.

You can find a variety of digital and tangible products that you can promote to your target audience. The key is to mix the recommendations for these products in with truly valuable information that you provide to your readers.

If you want more of a hands off approach, you can sign up for the Google AdSense program, or some other type of add incentive program where you simply insert some code into your domain, and ads will show on your blog.

You will earn money every time one of your visitors clicks on an ad. If you want to add an additional revenue method, you can sell that ad space to businesses and brands directly, bypassing the third party programs.

Another thing you may want to consider is allowing sponsored content as part of your blog publishing strategy. Using this option, you will allow someone else to create content that is posted on your blog and labeled as a sponsored post.

You may have seen this in a consumer magazine from time to time period you will turn the page and see what looks like an article, but in very small print it identifies it as an advertisement.

Related Info Products:

“Make Money Online” Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

Digital Store – World’s Largest Info Product Store, Instant Downloads

College Cooking 101 > Free Recipe Ebook

Recipe ebook “College Cooking 101” covers: “For many people, this may be your first time preparing meals on a daily basis. Deciding what to prepare for meals can be tough. College Cooking 101 is a handy guide to help you prepare healthy, filling, budget-conscious meals for a busy college student like yourself! It’s more than a cookbook!; also included are healthy and helpful tips“. Click “College Cooking 101” to download (2.2 MB pdf) this free cooking recipe book.

College Cooking Recipe Ebook

Cloud Storage Instant Mobile Video Site > Free MRR Software

Free MRR (Master Resell Rights) video site builder software “Cloud Storage Instant Mobile Video Site” creates video site that you can add ads with your Amazon & AdSense ID. Free MRR package comes with mini-site page. View Demo Mini-site for details. Click “Cloud Storage Instant Mobile Video Site” to download (743 KB zip) this free MRR software.

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