Author Archives: Mila

How To Read Your Customers’ Minds Better Than Houdini > Free Marketing Report

Marketing report “How To Read Your Customers’ Minds Better Than Houdini” expands and explains “Common advice to new marketers is to find a need and fill it. Better advice is to find a want and fill that, since people more readily spend money on things they want than they do on things they need. After… Read More »

Automated Content > Free Content Creation Report

Content Creation report “Automated Content” looks at using ChatGPT to create content. Main topics of report include: Introduction. Getting Started. Creating High-Quality Content with ChatGPT. Powerful ChatGPT Prompts. Advanced Techniques for ChatGPT Content Creation. Case Studies & Examples. Final Words and Resources. Click “Automated Content” to download (515 KB pdf) this free report.